Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rock Hard by Nalini Singh

Nalini is hands down one of my go to authors. I absolutely love the sensuality that she puts into her stories and with Rock Hard, it's one of the best. Not only is the sensuality one of my faves but I love the way she connects the characters with a slight touch, the looks they give each other, butterflies taking flight and the words they speak. It makes you feel and isn't that what we want in our stories?

We met the characters of Charlotte(Mouse) and Gabriel(T-Rex) in Rock Addiction and from what I was introduced, this was the couple that I absolutely wanted to know more about. 

Charlotte has issues that stem from a past relationship. Her trust has been broken and also her spirit. She is incredibly timid until it takes a certain T-Rex to bring her out of her shell. Gabriel is everything and then some. His patience with his "Mouse" is what endeared me more to him. As Charlotte's boss, Gabriel knows what buttons to push to see that spark shine since they're basically 24/7 together. 

Their relationship isn't easy but barriers are broken, trust is rebuilt and the love they give sustains them to an everlasting love.

We are also introduced to Gabriel's family which includes his brothers and I have a feeling that we won't be seeing the last of them. I haven't a clue as to who the next book will be about since this was primarily about Charlotte and Gabriel but whoever it is, I be one-clicking that ASAP.

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